28 Dec “Safe Haven: Helping Refugees and Immigrants Navigate Mental Wellness” Podcast
The lives of refugees and immigrants often have unique experiences that can be traumatic for many. Egette Indelele, a child refugee who escaped the Rwandan genocide, founded Safe Haven in order to assist refugee and immigrant students and their families with mental health and mental wellness. Safe Haven strives to assist by not only helping students with their mental health, but by bringing their families in as well–helping remove some of the stigma surrounding mental health, in order to help provide family support.
In addition to her work at Safe Haven, Egette is now serving on the United Nations International Children Emergency Funds USA National Council. She also manages a program where members and volunteers mentor and tutor elementary-aged children at a local community center that serves refugees transitioning to life in the United States. With mental health being a stigma around the world, and specifically with refugees and immigrant families, she believes that Safe Haven will ease the transition to American life. She also believes treating mental health issues in these underserved populations will help students perform better in school overall, while working to solve unresolved trauma.
Hear Egette’s story and learn about the incredible work she is doing on behalf of refugees and immigrants in this compelling podcast, “Safe Haven: Helping Refugees and Immigrants Navigate Mental Wellness”.
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