Darrin M. Hanna, Ph.D.
Chief Architect
Darrin is an expert in Systems Engineering in the area of artificial intelligence and embedded systems, focused in clinical settings. He has had training and experience in developing intelligent automation systems in both research and practice. Darrin is an established researcher who is experienced in real-world aspects of management and continuous quality improvement. He speaks regularly on efficiently implementing technology and electronic records in the clinic, streamlining evidence-based practice, using technology to improve service quality while reducing costs in the short and long term, and outcome-based care.
A member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Darrin actively contributes to the teacher-scholar community. He won the ASEE North Central Section’s best paper awards for three consecutive years, and the 2007 IEEE Computer Society’s Undergraduate Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Award.
Darrin holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and Mathematics, a Master’s of Science degree in Computer Science, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Systems Engineering, all from Oakland University. In addition to his role at NextStep, Darrin is a Professor of Engineering, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. He is also a coauthor of a new series of textbooks and textbook supplements called Learning By Example.